MEXICO: Excellence Scholarships of the Government of Mexico for Foreigners 2024

The Government of Mexico through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID) is inviting applications from foreign students who are interested in studying for a master's degree or doctorate, conducting graduate or postdoctoral research, or taking part in an undergraduate or graduate -level academic mobility programme, to participate in the 2024 Mexican Government Scholarship Programme for International Students.

The Mexican government is providing scholarships to international students as part of its role as an actor with global responsibility and commitment to cooperation programmes that help to create highly-skilled human resources.

Further details on the Scholarship is available at:

Degree level

Undergraduate mobility programmes (24 months maximum)

Master’s level mobility programmes (12 months maximum)

Master’s programme (24 months maximum)

Doctoral programme (36 months maximum)

Postgraduate research stays (Master's, Doctoral, and Postdoctoral levels) (12 months maximum)


28 June 2024

Who can apply?

The following criteria applies across all level of study:

For undergraduate and graduate level mobilities:

Master's Degree, Doctorate:

 Research stays at graduate level:

 Fields of Study

Please read the link:  to see offered programmes.

What the scholarship covers

The scholarship includes registration and tuition fees at the participating Mexican higher education institutions. In addition, scholarship recipients will receive:

Please note: 

Successful candidates are required to make provision for all other expenses not covered under this scholarship. The applicant will be responsible for covering their medical expenses in case they require it, so it is recommended to acquire an international medical insurance that covers the period where they will not have access to medical services (first six months).

Application process

Applications must be submitted electronically through the Academic Cooperation Management System (SIGCA) at:

Documents and links

Call document

Eligible Institutions

Medical Insurance

International transportation

National transportation

Model letters

Application guide

Offered programmes

Declaratory letter



For specific questions about the general terms and conditions of the call please contact: 


Please note that this opportunity is not offered by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Applicants are required to undertake their own research into programmes and institutions and are responsible for ensuring that the qualifications will be recognised in South Africa by contacting the South African Qualifications Authority and the relevant professional bodies. If there are any discrepancies in the details provided, the information given by the sponsor supersedes the details provided above. No additional financial support will be provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training.