NEW ZEALAND: Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships - Trade Policy Africa Online 2024

The New Zealand Government, through the New Zealand International Development Cooperation Programme, is offering limited scholarships for professional development online.

The Trade Policy short course is targeting eligible participants from eligible countries in the African region (South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe) who are currently in middle and senior management positions working in relevant sectors.

The online course is run part time over a four-week period, consisting of two three-hour sessions per week and will be run by the University of Auckland’s Public Policy Institute. While the course does not constitute a formal tertiary qualification it will provide scholars with unique insights into New Zealand approaches and best practice in each sectoral study area.

Further information on NZSTTS is available at Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships 2024 - 2025 - Skills Consulting Group.  

Degree level

Short Training Course

This course will be delivered online on a part-time basis.


22 July 2024

Who can apply?

You must also acknowledge and agree that: 

Fields of Study 

The Trade Policy is a four week online part-time course and it will commence on Monday 16 September 2024, completing on Friday 18 October 2024.  

Application process

Applications for this short course must be submitted through the application portal accessible via the Skills Consulting Group website: Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships - Skills Consulting Group

Required documents:

If you are selected for a scholarship, you will need to provide copies of the following documents before taking up your scholarship:  


If you have any enquiries, please email the Skills Consulting Group at: 

Please include the course name and scholar country in the subject line. 

Documents and links

Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships - Trade Policy Africa Online 2024

Manaaki New Zealand Short Term Training Scholarships - Skills Consulting Group Website 

Application portal


Please note that this opportunity is not offered by the Department of Higher Education and Training. Applicants are required to undertake their own research into programmes and institutions and are responsible for ensuring that the qualifications will be recognised in South Africa by contacting the South African Qualifications Authority and the relevant professional bodies. If there are any discrepancies in the details provided, the information given by the sponsor supersedes the details provided above. No additional financial support will be provided by the Department of Higher Education and Training.